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“There are two hungers in the World, Great hunger & Little hunger. The Little hunger wants food for the belly, but the hunger…The greatest Hunger of all is the hunger for Meaning” - Wayne Dyer

Take a moment…take a deep breath….breathe out and ask yourself ; Do I want to transform myself and have a deep yearning to serve and be Materially & Spiritually abundant?

Then be a part of building the Largest Community of ‘Healing Coaches’ in the World...The World Needs Your Energy

Become a ‘Healing Coach’
at Healing Transformational Hub

Commander Ritesh Menon

Healer and Deep Transformational Coach

“There are no great acts, only small acts done with great Love”  - Robin Sharma

Commander Ritesh Menon symbolises the motto of his Alma Mater (The National Defence Academy{NDA}) "Seva Paramo Dharma" - To be in the service of others is the highest human duty.

Healing Transformational Hub


My vision is to transform the fabric of the Health Industry of the Country by empowering and transforming individuals through meditation, healing and Coaching.


My Mission is to Empower one million Healing Coaches achieve individual identity and wholistic Freedom using Energy Healing & Life Coaching. My motto is to be a Life Long Spiritual Learner and that it is in giving that one receives.


My goal is to help create a wellbeing program and sacred space that impacts and fulfils all aspects of one’s existence from a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual perspective. Instilling good self-esteem, self-Love and Self- confidence to bring about creative transformation in individuals and organisations.

My role as a Healer & Coach is:-

To deepen your awareness so that you begin to tap into your inner world and reflect that purity as a reflection onto your outer world.

Everything is Energy, your thoughts, emotions, speech and actions.

To help you learn the ability to harness these energies, to become an instrument of the divine and align to your life purpose.

Let's hear out some of the success stories

"The warmth of a caring presence in a world that is sometimes cold...these are the gifts freely given, return a hundred fold"

“My experience with twin heart meditation is amazing I can say it has changed many things in my life. On mental level I have become more calm and peaceful. My thinking has changed a lot towards the life and the way I see things. Before I had a lot of fear within me for small small things but now it's not there. With the practice of twin heart meditation my healing has improved a lot I have got deeper understanding of healing. I want to thank you Ritesh sir for all your support and encouragement, under your guidance my healing has improved thank you so much. 🙏🙏”

Veena Nagar

“I had excruciating pain in my lower back due to severe back spasm and could not even sit on bed. We tried all types of pain killers, balms and heating pads. That is when my husband called Ritesh and narrated the state and requested for healing. After Healing, I felt major difference in pain and body movement as I could manage to walk a bit and reach my diagnostic centre Ritesh's Pranic Healing session was so powerful & effective that in just one session it brought the desired result for me and I experienced the healing power of Pranic healing. I pay my absolute Gratitude for such great timely help.”

Avvnit B Thakkar

“The daily sessions have brought about a huge transformation in me and my behavior. Daily practice of inner reflection, forgiveness and meditation on twin hearts have resulted in Clarity of thought and hence quick decision making. Ritesh sir makes these sessions super interesting and interactive. He encourages us to be accountable and focus on the execution of the learnings. Deepest gratitude to you Ritesh sir, for being an accelerator in my Spiritual development!”

Richa Malhotra

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Only when one has a process in place for regular self-healing and energy hygiene that one can transform themselves and then become an instrument for transforming others. Start your journey of transformation Now

"A thousand mile journey begins with the single step"  

  • Receive, Absorb the teachings now 

  • Intelligent Evaluation, Introspect, contemplate

  • Create a Plan and take action to Manifest


Lead from a space of inner fulfilment & evolutionary purpose.

Engage in a meaningful conversation


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33 Jolly Maker Apts 2, Cuffe Parade Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400005, India
