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As a Life & Leadership Coach and Healer, I work with all kinds of people across cultures, the questions I am frequently asked are

How Energy Healing is a Science?

Is it possible, at this age and stage to reinvent how I think and feel?

I am just a housewife, with no income, no support, no talent. How can I be a change agent and have an identity of my own in my family and social circle?

As a professional and a Compassionate transformational Coach, I simply ask a few questions….,

Is your identity only limited to the roles you play or do you want the world to know you for who you really are?

What would be your Life purpose when the children leave home and the spouse is busy at work?

How would it feel to be emotionally and financially independent, not being dependent on anyone else?

Is your development as a leader, keeping pace with the changes in the environment?

Quantum Physics has proven everything is Energy, hence healing with Energy is a science, but it is also an Art, and that art has to be developed, learned and caught…..I can help you create that experience to develop this skill. How would you feel, never to be helpless to heal yourself and your loved ones?

  • I am conscious, that it is a close-ended question on the surface – and yet it opens a window to consciousness, healing and coaching. (Stay tuned !!!) The response is,

  • How can I find time when I am so caught up in the mundane activities of the day? Is it even practical? Won’t that be Selfish on my part? My work at home never ends, Will I be able to balance the two?

  • As a Compassionate Coach, I allow the person to be complete and respond with a single question,

    Thank you for sharing your concerns about the responsibility to your outside world, how are you managing the concerns of your inner being, how long would you be able to sustain this neglect?

  • The silence on the other side is deepening, I wait patiently as their curiosity and embarrassment gets ignited and await their response, and they always do, this time with a single crisp question,

    What do you mean by inner being?

  • As a Healing transformational Coach, I share my perspective.

  • Is what is happening outside us ever in our control? And what if everything happening inside us can be in our control? The outer battle pain and complexity can be embraced (not fought or conquered) by the internal alignment of consciousness and healing.

    If the outer world seems to be a battle field, then the inner world would always be the training ground. The process of purification, healing & Coaching prepares a fertile training ground to sow seeds of Consciousness and success in the outer world. Then I ask the Person, my next question,

  • Are you willing to awaken the inner being within you?

  • The pause before their response is longer, I hold the sacred space for their reflection, which gives them the time to process what I shared deeply. The next question is shorter and deeper,

    What will it entail?

    I share my perspective,

    The opportunity to connect to your true being, An inward journey of self-mastery and soul mastery. To step out of the frame to see the complete portrait that you are. The work I do is of a travel agent, taking you on an inner pilgrimage and a spiritual holiday of transformation, awareness and healing. An invitation to connect to your consciousness through the darkest caves of your inner world. An Adventure that requires courage, commitment, discipline and a deep yearning for transformation. My role as a Meditator is to connect you to your source, My role as a Healer is to purify you and empower your natural healing abilities, My role as a Coach …..

    The responder does not even wait for me to finish my sentence, is visibly excited and responds,

    What will it entail?

    What do I have to do?

    As a Healing transformational Coach, I share my perspective.,

    My invitation to you is to embark on an inward journey of self-mastery. The path is a parallel path of material fulfillment and spiritual grounding and embraces success and meaning in life in equal measure.

    Along the path, you will develop your own comfort around the following milestones


  • Life teaches us lessons, are you willing to learn and progress through the journey of life? Are you willing to engage with a Coach, reconnect to your Source to build your own understanding of life’s lessons – Some lessons may open your heart and some may open your mind?


  • On your Fulfillment Journey, your coach will encourage you consistently to express gratitude by acknowledging yourself with a positive focus, this is done consciously with the understanding and firm conviction in what we think about and thank about – we bring about.


  • Your Coach partners with you to enable you to accept your choices and take accountability for your life. You can choose to transition from a victim mindset to a responsibility mindset.


  • Your Coach will facilitate raising your level of awareness such that you actually start viewing your life as a series of choices you make or were made for you. All your actions whether benign or life-changing in nature are all reflections of the choices you make.


  • As you journey with your Healing & Transformational Coach, you will come to a compassionate space of acceptance. Allow yourself the gift of self-reflection, take charge of your life to harness your infinite potential.


  • The Coach through powerful questioning and meaningful connection with the Source, facilitates the client’s connection with the Laws of Cause & Effect, such that the client develops their own understanding and chooses a path forward in alignment with their Source.

    So the next question is are you ready to join me in embarking on this adventurous transformation journey, as I too am on my journey?

    The response is,

    Is that even a question, of course, without a doubt

    Then I ask my most favourite coaching question,

    How would you like me to support you?

    To which the response is

    When can I embark on my coaching journey with you?

    To which I respond,

    Success without fulfilment is the ultimate failure. Today when we are drowning in information and starving for wisdom, the coaching experience can really create the clarity and abundance that one needs. True transformation is a radical restructuring of our sense of self and our purpose and place in the world. It is discovering and realizing a dimension within yourself that transcends ego and attachment with awareness and consciousness. The healing transformational Coaching approach demonstrates that profound transcendental experiences are possible within this sacred space.

    Get In Touch

    33 Jolly Maker apts, Cuffe Parade Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400005, India
